You stay in bed because stories are about people who aren’t smart enough to stay out of trouble, and you dream of the past, because not only was the past beautiful, but it was also safe, now that
you look at the clouds that were once beautiful because you believed, only when you look up lately, you see vastness, like yes, there is infinity and beauty, but you aren’t part of it and that hurts, so you
live a secret life inside your head nobody knows about, because you mythologize time, time that gets so weird with time, like you think your twenties were ten years ago, then you think the time
you thought your twenties were ten years ago is ten years ago, and you kind of expected this, but also you didn’t, and you are back in love when the alarm rings, and you glow, you glow, you glow,
you glow like a new dawn.
Mileva Anastasiadou is a neurologist, from Athens, Greece and the author of "Christmas People" and "We Fade With Time" by Alien Buddha Press. A Pushcart, Best of the Net, Best Microfiction and Best Small Fictions nominated writer, her work has been selected for the Best Microfiction anthology 2024 and Wigleaf Top 50 and can be found in many journals, such as the Chestnut Review, New World Writing, trampset, and others.