while in traffic
on an L.A. freeway,
in the fast lane,
going zero, I look out
and see a pigeon
it has but one leg,
and pecks with vigor
at the delight of a
strewn piece of bread
its gentle eyes connect
with mine
soft, pure
and this moment
shall be tucked away
with the others
that have been
gifted to me
solely for
paying attention
Mathieu Cailler is the author of seven books: a novel, two short story collections, two volumes of poetry, and two children’s titles. His stories, poems, and essays have been featured in over one hundred publications such as Wigleaf, the Saturday Evening Post, and the Los Angeles Times. Cailler has garnered numerous awards for his writing, including a Pushcart Prize; a Readers’ Favorite Award; and accolades from the Paris, Los Angeles, and New England Book Festivals. Connect with him on social media @writesfromla or visit mathieucailler.com.